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Diversity is the foundation of America. When corporate boards include diverse perspectives, they are able to make better decisions for the company and its stakeholders. Diversity adds value, and adds to the bottom line.
QUOTAS for board diversity are successful in Europe.
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Assist us in creating diverse boards in America.
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Significantly Exceeded Expectations
"As the sitting CEO of an NYSE listed company, I chose Cindy Burrell's expertise and her organization with careful due diligence.
With my Board's encouragement and support, I had defined our need: a Financial Expert, qualified to chair our Audit Committee, and, of equal importance, a candidate who met, and would define our commitment to diversity at all levels: preferably female and Latina. Cindy referred Adela Cepeda..."
Diversity in Boardrooms is a board diversity consulting firm that assists corporate boards in recruiting and referring diverse directors to add value and to ensure better representation of American strengths.
Cindy Burrell is the Founder and President of Diversity in Boardrooms, an executive search firm that assists Corporate and Advisory Boards to better represent American strengths through their board composition. We believe that when corporate boards include diverse perspectives, then better decisions and solutions evolve. We create boards dedicated to enhancing the board’s moral compass and fiscal responsibility to foster a corporate governance ethic of recommending and supporting goals and objectives that are aligned to benefit all stakeholders: employees, investors, and the community.
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